We've got another great episode with Audrey today! We do a little deeper dive into her faith and into a season of doubt in which Audrey explains some of the ways that her time growing up in a spiritually abusive environment informed how she felt about her questions and doubts, but ultimately, she faced her questions head on and found out that there were answers.
I wanted to make a little disclaimer for my listeners. Many of you, like me, can be quite sensitive when recommendations for particular pastors or leaders come up. In this episode, Audrey credits a YouTube video by Voddie Baucham called, Why You Can Believe the Bible, as having a big impact on her life. This podcast is NOT a discernment ministry, but I wanted to make a small statement that, in the past, and possibly even today, since I have not found statements to the contrary, Voddie Baucham has taught and aligned himself with teachings that have been used in heavy patriarchal circles, and participated in the "Stay at Home Daughter" movement. I do feel that I would be negligent if I didn't at least address the problematic side of some of his teaching, even if it is only in the past. The fact is, the Truth is the truth, and that video contained objective truth that helped Audrey in her time of doubt, so I was compelled to leave that part of her story in the episode. Christian leaders are still fallen humans, and we each have to be careful and use wisdom in discernment when listening to anyone teach the Word. But I wanted to at least clarify for the sake of my listeners, many of whom have been abused in circles that taught these heavily patriarchal teachings of things like the Stay at Home Daughter movement, I do not support this teaching, believe that it is extra-biblical, and can be easily used to spiritually abuse women.
It's also impossible to completely review any recommendation, so it should be noted that on this podcast, recommendations for resources do not necessarily equal a full endorsement.
Audrey made a lot of resource recommendations (she's great at finding resources!):
I wanted to add a few of podcast episodes from The White Horse Inn on the resurrection of Christ from earlier this year:
I would love to hear from you!
Please reach out:
IG: @ReconstructingYourFaith
Twitter: @FaithAfterAbuse
Follow on Facebook: @ReconstructingYourFaith
Email: reconstructingyourfaith@gmail.com
If you would like to reach out to Audrey about resources, send me a message, and I will connect you.
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Episode 10: Prioritizing Our Questions - Part 2 with Audrey Yadon