Sarabeeeeeeeth. I cried when I read this. I know that feeling. Of being re-traumatized while re-telling the story. I'm so happy for you to have reached so much peace. So much closure. I've only heard good things about EMDR, and I'm glad it was so effective for you. And your ending words. This story is so much bigger than one man. I'm so glad God has made him smaller for you! May God continue this very good work he has started.
Thank you, Sarah! Yes, it’s interesting that the closure I feel didn’t come from understanding everything that happened or even my abuser’s motivation, or seeing him receive justice on this side. It was just switching perspectives, and healing my mind, thanks to the grace of God and His working through therapy and the ordinary means in the local church.
Sarabeeeeeeeth. I cried when I read this. I know that feeling. Of being re-traumatized while re-telling the story. I'm so happy for you to have reached so much peace. So much closure. I've only heard good things about EMDR, and I'm glad it was so effective for you. And your ending words. This story is so much bigger than one man. I'm so glad God has made him smaller for you! May God continue this very good work he has started.
Thank you, Sarah! Yes, it’s interesting that the closure I feel didn’t come from understanding everything that happened or even my abuser’s motivation, or seeing him receive justice on this side. It was just switching perspectives, and healing my mind, thanks to the grace of God and His working through therapy and the ordinary means in the local church.